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ST News

STMicroelectronics Unveils Features of Multi-Application, Deterministic Automotive Microcontrollers to Maximize Safety and Security in Next-Generation Domain/Zone Architectures

STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications, has revealed further details of its innovative Stellar automotive microcontrollers (MCUs) to show how the devices ensure reliable and deterministic execution of multiple independent real-time applications.


How to identify and avoid buying fake NSK bearings

When a company’s reputation is at stake, no purchasing or engineering teams want to fall into the trap of purchasing fake bearings. Every year, NSK invests heavily in identifying and prosecuting counterfeiters, but knows that the best way to stop these bogus operations is to halt demand. With this thought in mind, informing customers of ways to identify and avoid buying replica bearings is hugely beneficial for all stakeholders.

TDK News

TDK wins CEATEC AWARD 2020 in two categories

TDK Corporation (TSE:6762) announces that it has won the CEATEC AWARD 2020 in two categories. "InWheelSenseTM" has won the CEATEC AWARD 2020 Grand Prix in the Digital City Planning of the New Normal Age category, and the "Ultra-small full color laser module for AR glasses" has won the Semi Grand Prix in the Elemental Technologies/Devices in the New Normal Society category.

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